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18 Hilarious Quotes for New Parents in Need of a Good Laugh

A graphic that says "Once upon a time, I was a perfect parent. Then I had children. The end."

Parenthood is an incredible journey filled with love, joy, and unforgettable moments.

But let's be honest: it's also a wild rollercoaster ride that will leave you sleep-deprived, covered in spit-up, and wondering if you'll ever have a moment of peace again.

What got me through the pure chaos and insanity of my postpartum journey was finding the joy in small moments. It may feel like the world is crashing down around you as a tiny human dictates your every move and you’re fighting to keep your eyelids open every minute of the day … but a good laugh can be just the medicine you need.

So, here are 18 hilarious quotes for new parents (with cute, shareable graphics!) that every new parent can relate to. Get ready to chuckle, giggle, and maybe even shed a tear just because you’re so tired and your emotions currently make no sense.

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18 Hilarious Quotes for New Parents

1. "Sleep is like the unicorn of parenthood - everyone talks about it, but it's never around when you need it."

Funny quotes for new parents and parents of babies.

2. "You know you're a parent when going to the grocery store by yourself feels like a vacation."

Funny quotes for new parents and parents of babies.

3. "Parenthood is the best unpaid gig in town. It's like a full-time job, except you never get a paycheck and your boss is a tiny, unpredictable dictator."

Funny quotes for new parents and parents of babies.

4. "The laundry never ends in parenthood. It's like a never-ending game of 'Which clothes are clean and which ones are just...hopeful?'"

Funny quotes for new parents and parents of babies.

5. "The quickest way for a parent to get a child’s attention is to sit down and look comfortable.” Lane Olinghouse

Funny quotes for new parents and parents of babies.

6. "Having children is like living in a frat house: nobody sleeps, everything's broken, and there's a lot of throwing up."

Funny quotes for new parents and parents of babies.

7. "Parenthood: the only job where you can be late, underdressed, and covered in bodily fluids, and still get a standing ovation."

Funny quotes for new parents and parents of babies.

8. "Remember when you used to have hobbies? Now your main hobby is just trying to finish a cup of coffee while it's still hot."

Funny quotes for new parents and parents of babies.

9. "Parenthood is a constant battle between 'Please, just go to sleep!' and 'Please, just wake up!'"

Funny quotes for new parents and parents of babies.

10. "There are two types of people: those who can pee with the bathroom door open and those who have children."

Funny quotes for new parents and parents of babies.

11. "Parenthood: the reason the microwave has a 'mute' button."

Funny quotes for new parents and parents of babies.

12. "If you want to know what it's like to have a baby, imagine cleaning up glitter while someone is throwing more glitter at you."

Funny quotes for new parents and parents of babies.

13. "Date night after having kids is just two exhausted parents staring at each other, wondering who will fall asleep first."

Funny quotes for new parents and parents of babies.

14. "Parenthood is like a crash course in negotiation skills. Who knew a two-year-old could be so skilled at hostage situations?"

Funny quotes for new parents and parents of babies.

15. "Parenthood: where every day feels like a circus, and you're the frazzled ringmaster desperately trying to keep the chaos under control."

Funny quotes for new parents and parents of babies.

16. "Getting ready to leave the house with a baby is like preparing for a polar expedition. You pack enough supplies to last a week, just for a quick trip to the grocery store."

Funny quotes for new parents and parents of babies.

17. "Remember when you used to be able to finish a thought? Yeah, me neither."

Funny quotes for new parents and parents of babies.

18. "Becoming a parent means trading in your designer handbag for a diaper bag that smells like yesterday's sour milk."

Funny quotes for new parents and parents of babies.


Laughter is a powerful tool that can help new parents navigate the ups and downs of raising children.

In those moments when the chaos seems overwhelming, these funny quotes serve as a reminder that you're not alone. Parenthood is messy, challenging, and downright hilarious.

So, take a deep breath, find humor in the chaos, and embrace the joyous madness of being a new parent.

And remember, the laughter is worth every spit-up stain and sleepless night.

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